Prepare to Serve

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Slow Week

This week was pretty slow, We had a lot of our plans fall through. But we still had some good times.

We had some good lessons with Agata, she's a investigator that Elders Torres and Jackson were teaching last transfer. She is awesome, super sweet, and she asks tons of great questions. We met with her twice this week and both times we had really great discussions and were able to answer a lot of her questions. Some of them are really hard to, we've had to thumb through the scriptures right there to answer a few of them. But it's really great because we know it means she's really thinking about this stuff.

The branch came up with a cleaning schedule for the chapel last week, and we were chosen to clean the chapel this week. So, all of us missionaries went to the chapel on Saturday and cleaned it, it wasn't too big of a job, but even so, Mariusz (one of the members here) offered to make us dinner at the chapel afterwards. So he and his wife came and made us boiled potatoes and breaded chicken and this strange salad stuff made out of cucumbers and cream, which was surprisingly tasty. It was really good. While they were making the food we watched this "face to face" interview with David Archuleta on It was filmed just after he got back from his mission, so he was still a little awkward, lol. We had fun laughing at some of the funny things he and the hosts said, and making fun of the camera guys, who could not seem to get a shot of the stage without getting another camera guy in it. It was also a pretty good interview though, David said some pretty cool stuff.

After we were done cleaning the chapel we stayed behind to send out a few texts before we forgot. While we were alone in the chapel we found Elder Garcia's iPod, he had forgotten it. I tried to mess around with it but the code lock was on. However, even with the code lock on it still allowed us to take pictures :) So Sister McCleary and I proceeded to take many ridiculous pictures of ourselves, including a brilliant panorama picture of sister McCleary sitting at the table reading on one side of the picture, and peering creepily around the door on the other side of the picture. I want to include a copy, but I need to get it from Elder Garcia and he forgot to bring his usb cable, so that probably wont happen until next week, unfortunately.

Yesterday, Amelka, Prezydent Cieleński's oldest daughter, was running amok with her new makeup she got for her birthday (she's like 5 or something, and she's adorable) She had lip gloss smeared all around her lips and eyeshadow smudged around her eyes, and she just looked dang cute! At one point sister McCleary decided to compliment her, saying "Och, wyglądasz bardzo piękny!" (Oh, you look very pretty!) So, Amelka took that as a request from sister McCleary to make her look just as pretty! So, Amelka proceeded to slab makeup all over Sister McCleary's face, it was so funny, and adorable! Sister McCleary, and Cynthia both tried to get Amelka to put makeup on my face, but just as she was about to sister Malinowska stopped her. It was kind of sad :(

Also, this week we got a "hey Sisters!" from some American tourists, which was on my mission bucket list, so that was pretty great!

That's basically it for the week, not a lot happened, this coming week looks pretty busy though!

Kocham was wszystkich!

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